Who We Are
The mission at SubSeaSail®, Inc. is to make 100% energy harvesting, long-duration, uncrewed autonomous vessels and unique, low SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) sensors available for ocean data collection, communications, and payload deployment that are more economical, reliable, convenient, and sustainable than other offerings. Vessels will have the capability to submerge to avoid bad actors/weather and/or to listen/monitor underwater.
SSS is pursuing an active IP strategy and vessels are protected by a series of issued and pending patents. One important issued patent is for a Passive Wingsail Control Mechanism that sets the rigid wingsail at the optimal angle for propulsion without the use of complicated, expensive or vulnerable electronics, pulleys, or lines. A second key issued patent is for a sailing vessel with the hull below the waterline, greatly reducing drag, wake, and visual signature. Several patents relate to the ability to submerge to hold position underwater, to listen/monitor or to right a capsized multi-hull cargo vessel underwater to be able to return to the surface and continue the journey.
SSS will have three lines of business: First, a semisubmersible, monohull, observation platform named HORUS™ after the powerful Egyptian sky god. The Eye of HORUS stands for protection and knowledge, which is fitting for a long-duration observation vessel. HORUS represents a strong value proposition: disruptively affordable (i.e. low CAPEX/OPEX), easy-to-deploy (32kg), flexible design that permits sizes/shapes to suit users’ needs, long-duration/long-residence capability, low detection signature (acoustic, IR, radar and visual) and 100% energy harvesting eliminating a need to re-fuel; Second is a line of multi-hull cargo & deployment vessels that will move quickly on the surface and utilize patent pending technology to be able to submerge and, if capsized, auto-right themselves underwater and return to the surface to complete their missions. Named HERMES™ after the winged messenger of the Greek gods who was also considered the God of Commerce, this will permit the creation of affordable fleets of smaller vessels that can deliver point-to-point to an array of locations including small to medium-sized ports, remote islands, humanitarian aid and other applications.; and Third will be a line of low SWaP sensors that will be able to submerge with the vessel and - depending on the purposes - be able to work underwater or when the vessel returns to the surface.
SSS has been awarded a number of SBIR funding and will be working with partners to seek others.

SubSeaSail™ was conceived by two engineers with a deep understanding of sailing engineering and principles. The original SSS concept was a response to a request from a US government agency for long-distance delivery and release of an autonomous underwater vehicle. One Partner (not active), Chris Todter, served as Technical Director for seven America’s Cup yacht teams including winning with the Oracle Trimaran in 2010 and was instrumental in the development of SSS IP. Partner Mark Ott (not active) was involved with three high-tech autonomous unmanned marine robotics start-ups. CEO Michael Jones manages the business and international outreach. He is the founder of TMA BlueTech (formerly The Maritime Alliance, the largest U.S. ocean and water technology cluster) and named a top 10 Ocean Influencer in 2018 by Marine Technology Reporter.