Autonomous Undersea & Surface Vehicles (AUSVs)

San Diego-based SubSeaSail®, Inc. designs and manufactures disruptively affordable, autonomous, long-duration (wind + solar) vehicles and unique, low-profile, low-power draw sensors. SSS vessels and sensors are engineered for simplicity and protected with patents. We offer AUSVs for any array of ocean uses across academia, defense, government, industry and non-profit sectors. SubSeaSail offers systems that allow us to better understand and protect the Earth’s most precious asset.

We support the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and are proud to address 6 SDGs.

HORUS sailing in Mission Bay, California.

Patent pending HERMES testing autonomous submerging and resurfacing during National Science Foundation SBIR (Nov 2023).

SubSeaSail Corporate Video (August 2023)

Dr. Steven Bordonaro, Director of #NortheastTechBridge, hosting a USV experiment at NUWC Newport featuring SubSeaSail (August 2022).

ANTX Gulfport 2019 demonstrating HORUS and submerging capability for the first time.